Competitive Gymnastics is a great way to develop your child’s physical attributes whilst enjoying one of the most entertaining sports available. Gymnastics develops strength, flexibility, balance, power, coordination and spatial awareness. To train within Women’s Artistic Gymnastics is extremely demanding in terms of time, commitment, effort and courage, and very high levels of both attendance and commitment at training sessions are required in this discipline.
At Havering Gymnastics we have more than 50 competitive gymnasts, ranging in age from our development 5 and 6 year olds, to our Seniors who are up to 18 years of age, training from 4 hours per week to 20+ hours per week. All gymnasts are coached in groups dependent on ability, and are coached by our team who share their many years of experience. Our gymnasts train towards a number of 4 piece and 2 piece competitions across the East/ South East, and work towards the British Gymnastics Club, National and Compulsory Grades programmes.

Havering Gymnastics are proud to have gymnasts who represent them at Essex County Squad and East Regional Squad level and who were chosen to represent Essex at Regional Team Competitions. With a proven track record of producing National and International performers. The Centre aims to train gymnasts to attain their full potential in our superb Olympic Gymnastics facility.